29 December 2007

Still not watching what I eat?

I don't know whether it was the glass of freshly squeezed sugar cane juice or the "special" peanut butter, banana, and fried onion sandwich, but something I consumed yesterday returned for a regurgitative revenge last night. So weakened, I couldn't make my bus, and I've decided to put it off an additional day, as well, to be sure I'm alright. This is very frustrating, since every day of delay brings a greater chance of snow and freezing temperatures. But despite my recent streak of bad luck, I am determined to prevail and hike in the Himalayas--definitely within the next two days!


Anonymous said...

Careful my son, one freezes rather quickly on an empty stomach.

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better. I just got home from staying with Ed in England and will be reviewing your bloggy goodness soon!

The Steve said...

Has Ed bailed out of Japan, too? I will try to make sure my blog contains extra nuts and raisins (well, at least I know *I'm* nuts).